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Apex TP offers a comprehensive range of transport planning services across all land-use sectors for a broad range of clients.


We have extensive knowledge of all aspects of transport planning and aim to add value to all projects, from initial inception through to completion and beyond.


Click the buttons below for more details of sectors we work in, our feasibility and planning stages support (for example transport assessments) and the technical expertise that underpins our analysis (for example swept path analysis).

Transport Planning and High Streets
Junction Modelling and Highway Design

Apex TP provides specialist transport support for clients throughout the planning and development process, specifically;​


  • Due diligence advice, including access feasibility and site appraisals, at land acquisition stage. This informs clients of potential risks and opportunities at an early stage. 

  • Supporting planning applications or strategic land promotion with specialist reports, dependent on the scale and potential impact of the proposals;

  • Masterplanning inputs and access design to ensure movements by all modes are fully considered from the outset;

  • Negotiating and discussing planning conditions and S106 agreements;

  • Post-application and detailed design stage support through further design advice and discharging of relevant highways planning conditions;

  • Construction traffic management plans for contractors setting out suitable highway mitigation and advising and agreeing vehicle routing with the highway authority;

  • Travel Plan Coordinator services to encourage sustainable travel from the outset of a scheme;

  • Expert Witness services for appeal by written representations, informal hearings and public inquiries.


Apex TP staff have a strong track record of success in supporting development projects.

What we do




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