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Apex TP offers a comprehensive range of transport planning services across all land-use sectors for a broad range of clients.


We have extensive knowledge of all aspects of transport planning and aim to add value to all projects, from initial inception through to completion and beyond.


Click the buttons below for more details of sectors we work in, our feasibility and planning stages support (for example transport assessments) and the technical expertise that underpins our analysis (for example swept path analysis).

Traffic Modelling
Traffic Modelling

Apex TP specialist inputs:

Trip Generation and Distribution

Traffic Flow and impact analysis

Junctions 10 models (roundabouts & priority junctions)

LinSig models (signal junctions)

Network models

Queue, capacity and delay analysis

Mitigation options testing, advice and design

Highway Design
Highway Design

Apex TP specialist inputs:

Junction and Access Design suitable for planning

Swept Path Analysis to inform design

Visibility Splay justification

Speed and Traffic Surveys to aid design

Constraints advice and overcoming complex issues

Mitigation design options to deliver a viable consent

Walking and Cycling
Walking and Cycling

Apex TP specialist inputs:

Non-motorised user (NMU) and Active Travel Act Audits

Design Advice on walking and cycling infrastructure

Pedestrian Flow and capacity analysis

Streetaudit assessments (PERS and CERS)

Cycle Parking design and provision

Travel Planning to encourage walking and cycling

Mitigation Options, Advice and Design

Road Safety
Road Safety

Apex TP specialist inputs:

Road Safety Data analysis and interpretation

Road Safety Audits - commissioning and overseeing auditors independent to the design process

Identification of potential safety issues resulting from development

Masterplanning inputs for road safety

Mitigation design for road safety

Masterplanning Input
Masterplanning Input

Apex TP specialist inputs:

Refuse and servicing access and circulation

Swept Path Analysis

Walking and cycling movements and connectivity

Car and cycle parking provision and layout

Public transport access and connectivity

Street layouts, geometry and composition

Road Safety considerations

Emergency vehicle access

Access Appraisal
Access Appraisal

Apex TP specialist inputs: 

Access location/s and type/s

Overview of constraints and opportunities considering;

traffic flows and speeds, highway geometry, traffic calming , highway capacity, vegetation, tree and root protection, adopted highway boundary extents, visibility, road safety, utilities and services, gradients and levels, land ownership, public rights of way and traffic generation


Apex TP specialist inputs:

Parking requirements and layouts for developments

Car parking studies and surveys

Strategic town centre parking reviews including rationalisation to facilitate potential development sites and detailed usage surveys

Car park design for surface level car parks

High level advice for multi-storey and basement car parks

Servicing and Deliveries
Servicing and Deliveries

Apex TP specialist inputs:

Masterplanning inputs for refuse collection

Advising on service yards and turning areas / heads

Swept path analysis to inform design

Forecasting service vehicle generation and profiles

Delivery and Servicing Plans for planning

TROs and Traffic Calming
TROs and Traffic Calming

Apex TP specialist inputs:

Traffic Management Plans for TRO consultations

Traffic calming design and requirements

Mitigation design incorporating traffic calming

Consideration of road safety and vulnerable road users

Promotion of Active Travel

Tram Manchester (min).jpg
Public Transport
Public Transport

Apex TP specialist inputs:

Travel time modelling including new route benefits

Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) analysis

Bus Stop Design advice

Bus Network Routing advice for strategic projects

Liaison and negotiation with public transport operators

Travel Planning to encourage public transport use

Multi-modal trip analysis

What we do


Key Services
Highway Design
Junction model
Walking and Road Safety
Access Appraisal
Public Transport
Road Safety
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